Unaligned access fault in fxp on alpha

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at cs.duke.edu
Fri May 9 10:24:35 PDT 2003

Kris Kennaway writes:
 > I reported this to mux 3 days ago, but haven't heard any
 > acknowledgement from him of the issue.  Could someone else
 > investigate?  This is a reproducible panic.

This is the second report.  Fred Clift has been having this problem
for quite some time.  I never see it, if you need to get around it
ASAP you can (probably) build a kernel with CPUTYPE=ev56 in
/etc/make.conf.  I use ev6, but then again, my alpha with fxp is an
ev6 ;)

I'll try to look into it today, but my time is very short.  Deadlines
at $realjob, and my wife & I are moving house next week.  I was, in
fact, about 30 minutes from packing up my last alpha...


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