kernel panic installing FreeBSD/alpha 4.8-RELEASE

Marco Beishuizen marco at
Wed May 7 08:16:04 PDT 2003


I'm trying to install 4.8-RELEASE on my PWS600au by FTP. During
installation (when he's at 7% of "extracting /bin into /
directory") I'm getting a kernel panic:

panic: timeout table is full

syncing disks 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164
giving up on 147 buffers

(da1:isp0:0:15:0): syncronize cache failed, status == 0xb, scsi
status == 0x0

I never had any problems whatsoever installing previous versions
of FreeBSD on this machine.
Does anyone know what is going on here and what I should do now?

Thanks in advance,


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