setting max memory to use on Alpha?

Wilko Bulte wkb at
Mon May 5 12:52:32 PDT 2003


Shouldn't we set a default to the max phys memory 
FreeBSD can use? Using hw.physmem in the loader I mean.

Given that the maximum amount of mem that can safely be
used on all system models appears to be 1G.

BTW: my AS4100 is now running with 2G without incidents.
Which is a bit strange as I understood from Drew (tnx btw!)
that only Tsunami boxes can run with 2G and everything else
is limited to 1G? 

Might be useful to have something like this in 5.1R

Or have I missed something?


|   / o / /_  _   		wilko at
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte				

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