SCSI and other PCI cards

Dan Williams dan at
Sat May 3 06:40:49 PDT 2003


I currently have a Adaptec 2940UW in my AS1000A 5/400.  It works just fine
in FreeBSD.  But, because the card actually came from a Mac, and has the
Mac BIOS, of course it isn't seen by the SRM console and won't boot.  So
I'm limited to the internal Qlogic adapter for booting.  So yes, whatever
you stick in that has FreeBSD drivers will most likely work, but
machine-dependent things like booting won't work.

I also have the same problem with my IBM 7043-140 (43-P): I can stuff any
graphics adapter I want in there, since its PCI, but if I don't use one
that has OpenFirmware BIOS on it, I don't get anything onscreen at all
until Linux starts the card up.  Unfortunately, that means accessing the
machine's BIOS over a serial console, simply becuase the card doesn't have
quite the right code in its ROM.


On Sat, 3 May 2003, Wilko Bulte wrote:

> On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 05:32:30AM -0400, Kevin A. Pieckiel wrote:
> > On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 11:28:58AM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > Yes. But booting from it for example you can most likely forget. 
> > > And given that Alpha machines often contain PCI bridge chips to get to 
> > > (generally the # of slots >> PCs ) you might be restricted to what 
> > > slots your card works in. So YMMV
> > 
> > Why the trouble booting?
> If the SRM console does not recognise the card it won't be able to boot
> from it. Alpha's do not use the BIOS that some/most cards bring.
> The list of SRM supported and hence bootable adapters is rather short.
> And varies per Alpha model.
> Have you read HARDWARE.TXT? If not, do so, a lot of this is covered there.
> -- 
> |   / o / /_  _   		wilko at
> |/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte				
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