miniboot.iso (was: Re: Floppies for ALPHA)

John Baldwin jhb at
Thu Jul 31 10:59:38 PDT 2003

On 31-Jul-2003 Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 01:32:17PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
>> Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
>> > If there's some interest, I could add the support for generating
>> > miniboot.iso to release/Makefile.  This would be extremely
>> > useful for other platforms too, including i386.  Just let me
>> > know if there's a strong interest in this.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Cheers,
>> This idea has intrigued me for a while.  Feel free to prototype
>> something!
> OK, the attached (trivial) patch can be used to create the
> miniboot.iso.  Its contents is identical to what goes on the
> miniinst.iso, except for NOT putting any distributions, docs,
> and ports.

Couple of comments (gee this looks exactly like my patch that does
this. :))

- you don't need the symlink for the release name on the boot CD
- call it bootonly.iso instead of miniboot.iso, but I think we've
  already agreed on this.
- PC98 doesn't need this ISO image since it can't boot from CD.
  Hence the extra CD_BOOT related ifdef's in the patch I sent you.

> Removing *.ko and kernel.debug from /boot/kernel gives 7M of
> uncompressed, and 3M of compressed miniboot.iso image.  The
> patch does not remove them currently, adding one line would
> do it.  Anyone has a reason why these should not be removed?
> One could think that the acpi.ko may be needed for IA64, but
> it's already part of the GENERIC kernel.

The kernel.debug is a feature of GENERIC having 'DEBUG=-g' in it.
For releases, we turn that off, in which case the kernel.debug
will automatically disappear.  I would leave the modules around
since not all modules are in GENERIC on all archs.


John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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