Floppies for ALPHA

Peter Jeremy peter.jeremy at alcatel.com.au
Wed Jul 30 20:33:55 PDT 2003

On 2003-Jul-30 22:11:09 +0200, Wilko Bulte <wkb at freebie.xs4all.nl> wrote:
[dd the install image onto a HDD]
>Well, I have done something like this once by pulling a StorageWorks
>SBB disk from a machine where I dd-ed an OS ontop of it and then put
>that disk in another machine to boot it.

I also had to do it to bootstrap my Multia - no floppy drive or CD-ROM
and the FreeBSD netboot is incompatible with the Multia SRM.

It's a nuisance unless you have removable media and a running system
where you can attach the media but it is doable.

It's still easier than installing a Sun3 from tape.


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