Chroot network install

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Tue Jul 29 05:24:52 PDT 2003

Allen Ziegenfus writes:
 > Hello,
 > Is it possible to do a chroot install for Freebsd,
 > instead of using boot floppies/cdrom? I have Red Hat
 > 7.1 on my Alpha, and I'd like to upgrade to something
 > else. For debian or gentoo linux, for example, you can download
 > a base system, install it to a partition, chroot to it and then go
 > through a sequence of steps to install the rest, without having to
 > shutdown your existing OS. I couldn't find anything on this in the
 > install manual...

Maybe if you were running FreeBSD already, but there is no way a linux
kernel will recognize the syscalls made by the FreeBSD installation binary.

 > Also can I use aboot to boot FreeBSD? 


If you want to install FreeBSD on alpha, you need to give it a disk by


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