libthr needs your help

Mike Makonnen mtm at
Sat Jul 19 15:52:32 PDT 2003

Hello folks,

I need a brave volunteer :-) to implement the remaining 2
(maybe 3) functions necessary to make libthr work on alpha. If it's
anything like sparc64 or ia64, then it will only be 5/6 lines
worth of code. I just committed the stubs this morning and they
compile fine. They can be found at:

The first function is _get_curthread(). The only thing it has to
do is return a pointer to the struct pthread of the current thread.

The _set_curthread() function takes three arguements: a pointer to
a ucontext_t, a pointer to a pthread, and a pointer to an integer
(in which to return an error). If alpha is anything like ia64 or
sparc64 then all this function needs to do is set the appropriate
register to the pthread pointer.

The _retire_thread() function is only necessary if you need to
do any special cleaning up when a thread is destroyed.

As far as I can tell this is the only remaining obstacle to
getting libthr functional on alpha. All the other kernel and libc
MD bits are already there.

Mike Makonnen  | GPG-KEY:
mtm at | D228 1A6F C64E 120A A1C9  A3AA DAE1 E2AF DBCC 68B9
mtm at FreeBSD.Org| FreeBSD - Unleash the Daemon!

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