Netbooting 4.8
Greg Lewis
glewis at
Wed Aug 27 23:35:17 PDT 2003
Hi all,
Having given up cross-compiling in my quest to netboot my EB164 I gained
access to an Alpha running 4.8 and compiled a kernel with the following
options BOOTP
options BOOTP_WIRED_TO=de0
I've also tried kernels with and without:
options BOOTP_NFSV3
just to be thorough with no change on the result. The machine gets the
netboot binary ok via tftp, although the last few lines of that boot
stage look a little fishy:
net_open: server addr:
net_open: server path: /diskless/FreeBSD/alpha/4.8
Loader version 0.3+ required
start not found
However, the kernel proceeds to boot and gets right to the point where it
tries to mount its root file system. I then see:
mounting root from nfs:
missing device name
setrootbyname failed
bootpc_init: wired to interface 'de0'
Sending DHCP discover packet from interface de0 (00:00:f8:06:5f:f3)
DHCP/BOOTP timeout for server
and the last line just repeats ad infinitum.
I've got this machine netbooting NetBSD 1.6.1 and OpenBSD 3.3 so I know
it can netboot :). Any pointers as to what I may need to configure
differently would be appreciated. Also, if someone out there is
netbooting 4.8 at the moment, I'd love to compare your configuration
to mine and see if I can't find the problem that way.
Greg Lewis Email : glewis at
Eyes Beyond Web :
Information Technology FreeBSD : glewis at
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