Can't boot 5.1 install media

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Thu Aug 7 05:49:24 PDT 2003

Allen Ziegenfus writes:

 > some promising messages but after the "jumping to bootstrap" message
 > it just hangs. I also can't seem to boot my RH 7.1 media, so who knows
 > what that problem is.

Alphas will show very limited information and take input from a '>>>'
prompt on non-console devices, but when an OS bootstrap takes over,
the output goes just to the the SRM's console device.

Are you typing on a serial console, or on a keyboard/monitor
(graphics) console?   Make sure the value of the 'console' variable in
srm matches reality.   Assuming you're using a graphics console, do

>>> set console graphics
>>> init

Then you should see more info from booting the CDs.


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