Patches to get Arla running on FreeBSD 8-CURRENT

Tomas Olsson tol at
Sun Feb 24 22:56:16 UTC 2008

I wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-02-23 at 10:12 -0600, Alec Kloss wrote:
> > All of the heavy lifting is done in the big patch at 
> > 
> >
> [...]
> > Can anyone from Arla comment on the chances for incorporating
> > these patches into Arla itself?  It'd be nice to have these changes
> > in Arla itself prior to submitting the port to FreeBSD.
> > 
> Chances are good. If it looks ok it goes in.
Looks mostly ok, but I do have some questions.

1) appl/fs/fs_local.h: would that break `fs nnpfsdeb all`?

2) cf/try-compile-kernel.m4: why do we need /usr/include? It sounds
scary given that we may want to compile using random kernel trees. Same
goes for nnpfs/freebsd/FreeBSD-Makefile. I don't know much about kernel
build magic.

3) cf/bsd-vop-unlock.m4: do we need it? I don't care about older
versions of FreeBSD than 6.x; traditionally we try to support latest
stable OS-release plus -CURRENT but maybe that's a bit limiting.
Perphaps nnpfs_vfs_unlock solves part of the problem?


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