Start of a FreeBSD Setup Guide for AFS (Server and Client)

Robert Watson rwatson at
Fri Feb 15 14:34:13 PST 2008

On Thu, 14 Feb 2008, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

> I've been meaning to get this started for awhile now, but time never is what 
> one would like it to be: endless.
> <>
> Is a *very* basic start ... right now, its just a pointer to Arla (client) 
> and OpenAFS (server) ports for FreeBSD created by Alex Koss, and a link to 
> some NetBSD specific setup instructions.  I'm going to work on FreeBSD 
> specific ones, using that as a base, that will be on the Wiki itself ...
> If anyone else does start working through the NetBSD instructions and wants 
> to submit stuff, just email me and I'll gladly add it .. kerberos, at least, 
> is something that I've *never* setup, so I'm starting from complete ground 
> zero on this ..

There used to be a decent chapter on setting up Kerberos in the FreeBSD 
Handbook, not sure if it's still there.  At least if you're going to use Arla 
as the AFS client, you'll need to install the Heimdal port rather than use the 
native FreeBSD version as it's a bit newer.  We should get the version of K5 
in the base system upgraded though, not sure if we have a maintainer right 

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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