FreeBSD Foundation CoC involvement
Philip M. Gollucci
pgollucci at
Wed Mar 7 17:14:57 UTC 2018
I will digest this. A well written response deb. Thank you. Yeah we
didn’t really denote things under 1% much less 0.1%.
I was looking for the financials link. My bad I couldn’t find that.
Personally I don’t have a problem with how fbsd or the foundation is
spending money or not.
I do find the community politics quite intriguing though.....
On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 11:11 AM <deb at> wrote:
> Hello Philip and Josh,
> Sorry, for the delay in my response, and thank you for inquiring how we
> are spending our money. I need to keep this reply short, as I’m on my way
> to the airport to attend SCALE to promote FreeBSD and recruit more users
> and contributors to the Project. I will write up a more formal statement
> after I arrive in California. This week has been tough, with two major
> conferences happening this week.
> To answer Julien’s original question, no, the Foundation did not pay for
> the CoC. However,, as we’ve been publicizing in our monthly newsletters in
> 2016 and the FreeBSD quarterly status reports, we did support the new Code
> of Conduct efforts by paying for a few hours of time for an outside
> consultant to provide guidance and advice to the CoC review committee made
> up of volunteers from within and outside the FreeBSD community. The funding
> comes out of our general funds, like other support we provide to the
> Project. The consultant did not write the CoC, only provided advice.
> To address Philip’s concern, we have always been public with our spending.
> Please check out our financial reports here:
> When you look at our P&L, you can see that we do not break out every
> expense. For example, you won’t see how much we spent on individual events,
> like the Bay Area Vendor Summit, or how much we paid to sponsor AsiaBSDCon
> or BSDCon. Most of that is lumped into Project Spending expense accounts.
> Paying for a consultant to provide guidance into making sure the FreeBSD
> Project is inclusive, welcoming, and safe, is part of our charter of
> supporting the FreeBSD Project and community. I’ll also include here, that
> it was important to have that expertise on putting together the reporting
> process. I understand that there are people on this mailing list that are
> concerned about how we are spending their donations, and I believe there is
> a misunderstanding of how much we actually spent on this. To be clear, it
> was less than .1% of our budget. Over 60% off our budget goes directly to
> software development, with most of the rest going to release engineering
> and security team support, FreeBSD infrastructure, and FreeBSD advocacy and
> education. In fact, here is a list of the areas we supported in 2017,
> copied from my December blog post:
> In 2017, your support helped us advance the Project through:
> - Increasing the software development projects we are managing and
> funding, by internal and external software developers, including the
> OpenZFS RAID-Z Expansion project, Broadcom Wi-Fi infrastructural
> improvements (bhnd(4) driver), increasing Intel server support, and
> extensive progress towards a fully copyfree toolchain.
> - Growing the number of FreeBSD contributors and users from our global
> FreeBSD outreach and advocacy efforts, including expanding into new regions
> like China, India, Africa, and Singapore.
> - Keeping FreeBSD secure and reliable by having staff members fill
> leadership roles on the Security and Release Engineering teams.
> - Starting up nascent internship/stipend programs by participating in
> the University of Waterloo Co-op program, where we are hiring interns for
> four-month periods to work directly on FreeBSD, and the University
> Politehnica Bucharest, where we are providing stipends to students doing
> research projects with FreeBSD.
> - Providing face-to-face opportunities such as developer and vendor
> summits and company visits to help facilitate collaboration between
> commercial users and FreeBSD developers,as well as helping to get changes
> pushed into the FreeBSD source tree, and creating a bigger and healthier
> ecosystem.
> - Utilizing a full-time staff member to ensure stability, reliability
> and high performance via ongoing maintenance and bug fixes.
> Most of you probably noticed that there is no mention of supporting the
> FreeBSD CoC. That’s because this work was done in 2016. As I mentioned
> earlier, the bulk of our funding goes directly to supporting the Project,
> and that includes the salaries of our limited staff. We also spend funding
> on a Human Resources consultant periodicity, an accountant, an office,
> computers, and other administrative areas that support our efforts.
> As someone who has traveled around the world, meeting FreeBSD contributors
> who are new to the Project, and also many who have been with it for a long
> time, I’m always impressed with the passion and love for FreeBSD. I’m here
> to support our constituents, and listen to what you want us to support. We
> are not a trade association like some of the other open source foundations
> out there. Our sole purpose is to support the FreeBSD Project and
> community. Though, we don’t have enough funding to do the work we are
> currently doing, we will step in the fill needs of the Project.
> Along with my staff, we are committed to supporting this Project. I stand
> by the support we provided to the community to craft a better Project CoC.
> As most people know, I will respond over email. If you have specific
> concerns about the CoC, I’m open to listening. But, please be specific on
> what concerns you. However, since I was not part of the CoC effort, it
> would be best to send your concerns directly to the core team, who is
> working on a process for committers to provide their feedback on the
> current CoC.
> Sincerely,
> Deb Goodkin
> Executive Director
> The FreeBSD Foundation
> *From:* Philip M. Gollucci <pgollucci at>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 7, 2018 07:39
> *To:* Josh Goldstein <josh.goldstein at>
> *Cc:* deb at; freebsd-advocacy at
> *Subject:* Re: FreeBSD Foundation CoC involvement
> I'm perplexed, speaking as a previous officer of the ASF - Nearly
> everything we spent money on was public. I know the staff and infra
> budgets are. I wrote them for two years.
> At the moment I have no opinion on if this was good or bad to spend on;
> however as a 501c(3) vs 501c(6) you have limits on what can be asked for
> untargeted donations.
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 9:09 AM, Josh Goldstein via freebsd-advocacy <
> freebsd-advocacy at> wrote:
> Deb,
> Several people have now asked and you have yet to respond, so I will
> raise the question again in a new thread in case you're ignoring the
> politics thread:
> Did The FreeBSD Foundation pay for works related to the Code of Conduct,
> and if so how much did it pay, and to whom for what services?
> I don't think this is an unreasonable question; several of us have
> donated money to the Foundation and would like to know how it is being
> spent. Personally I assumed development but that appears to not be the
> case and I need to reassess my commitment.
> Regards,
> Josh
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> Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at c: 703.336.9354
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> Consultant, P6M7G8 Inc.
> Director Cloud Technology, Capital One
> What doesn't kill us can only make us stronger;
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<> ECDF B597
B54B 7F92 753E E0EA F699 A450 D21D 2752
Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at c: 703.336.9354
Member, Apache Software Foundation
Committer, FreeBSD Foundation
Consultant, P6M7G8 Inc.
Director Cloud Technology, Capital One
What doesn't kill us can only make us stronger;
Except it almost kills you.
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