Postcards in higher resolution
Jenny R
dragonessfire at
Wed Nov 9 21:42:41 UTC 2011
Thank you Deb! :)
No problem, I will be happy to provide you with any edits and/or prepare
the final artwork once you are ready.
Take care,
On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Deb Goodkin <deb at>wrote:
> Hi Jenny,
> Sorry for the delay in my response. First I'd like to say that your design
> work looks great. I wanted to talk to the board first about whether we
> wanted to support using the FreeBSD trademarks in designs like this. I know
> they are displayed on the FreeBSD website as examples of how the logo can
> be used. But, do we want to support the different variations. So, with all
> that said, I believe the foundation supports the different designs. What I
> need to do before giving a final blessing on these designs, is to get an
> understanding from our IP lawyer on how the trademark symbols need to be
> displayed when we have multiple logos on one page.
> Let me contact him and I'll let you know if any changes need to be made to
> the artwork.
> Deb
> On 10/25/11 5:35 PM, Jenny R wrote:
> Hello Deb and Denise,
> I have attached comps for the replicated FreeBSD postcards. I will be
> happy to provide you with any edits.
> Once the art is approved, I will be happy to send you the press-ready high
> resolution A4's.
> Take care,
> Jenny
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Deb Goodkin <deb at>wrote:
>> Yes. Can you run the artwork by us before you publish please?
>> Thanks,
>> Deb
>> On 10/17/11 1:11 PM, Denise Ebery wrote:
>> Thanks Deb,
>> Should we have Jenny update the postcards, incorporating your guidelines
>> below?
>> Best, Denise
>> On 10/17/2011 11:36, Deb Goodkin wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We don't have the original designs. I'm not sure if the documentation
>> team has access to this. The designs have to be changed anyway, because
>> these were just design ideas. Trademark symbols have to be added, as well
>> as the 'F' being capitalized and FreeBSD being all black.
>> Deb
>> On 10/17/11 12:26 PM, Jenny R wrote:
>> You're welcome Denise,
>> I do not need the source files in order to replicate the postcards, but
>> if Deb has them on hand, I will be happy to use them.
>> Take care,
>> Jenny
>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Denise Ebery <denise at>wrote:
>>> Thanks Jenny,
>>> Would you need the source files from Deb in order to recreate the
>>> postcards?
>>> Best, Denise
>>> On 10/17/2011 11:16, Jenny R wrote:
>>> Hello Denise and Dru,
>>> No problem, I would be happy to recreate the postcards in a higher
>>> resolution format. :)
>>> Take care,
>>> Jenny
>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Denise Ebery <denise at>wrote:
>>>> I may be able to have Jenny recreate the postcards in a higher
>>>> resolution format. I've cc'd her so she can let us know what she would
>>>> need in order to do so.
>>>> Best, Denise
>>>> On 10/17/2011 09:00, Dru Lavigne wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> on you can find some nice
>>>>>> postcards.
>>>>>>> As I just got a colour printer and want to test it a
>>>>>> bit, I would like to
>>>>>>> print them out. Unfortunately, they are only in a very
>>>>>> low resolution, but I
>>>>>>> would like to print them in A4. Are there
>>>>>> higher-quality versions of them?
>>>>>>> Regards, Julian
>>>>>> Sorry but AFAIK there are no other versions with higher
>>>>>> reso,ution. Maybe Denise can help out?
>>>>>> - Daniel
>>>>> I've also cc'd in Deb from the Foundation as she may know where the
>>>>> original sources are.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Dru
>>>> --
>>>> Director of Marketing, iXsystems
>>>> denise at
>>>> (408)943-4100 phone
>>>> (408)943-4101 fax
>>> --
>>> Director of Marketing, iXsystemsdenise at phone(408)943-4101 fax
>> --
>> Director of Marketing, iXsystemsdenise at phone(408)943-4101 fax
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