BSDstats: Stand up and be counted! -- November Statistics

Marc G. Fournier scrappy at
Mon Dec 3 22:16:21 PST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Percentage Change in November from October:

           Overall           - 2.5%

Broken down as:

           DesktopBSD       + 31.8%  ( 737 hosts)
           DragonFly        +  9.5%  (  23 hosts)
           FreeBSD          +  8.4%  (5008 hosts)
           GNU/kFreeBSD     -100.0%  (   0 hosts)
           MidnightBSD      +133.3%  (  14 hosts)
           MirBSD           - 28.6%  (   5 hosts)
           NetBSD           +  7.2%  ( 119 hosts)
           OpenBSD          + 11.3%  (  79 hosts)
           PC-BSD           - 13.5%  (6551 hosts)

Top 10 Countries reporting in (out of 85 Countries total):

           United States         19.0%
           Australia             13.0%
           Russian Federation     7.7%
           Germany                6.0%
           Ukraine                5.3%
           Brazil                 4.1%
           Panama                 3.9%
           Japan                  3.7%
           France                 2.6%
           United Kingdom         2.3%

Project Objective:

"The mission of this site is to compile semi-accurate numbers for advocacy and
marketing of the *BSD operating systems."

PC-BSD, to the best of our knowledge, is the only one that defaults to enabled,
while the rest have to be enabled manually.

For FreeBSD users, you just need to install /usr/ports/sysutils/bsdstats to set
things up.

If you aren't participating, we very much encourage you to start ... the report
script is a shell script, so you can scan it to figure out what, exactly, is
being sent in .. and there is only one level of reporting that is  required,
and that is Operating System + Version ... Device and Ports reporting are 100%
optional ...

For those that are participating ... once more, thank you ... and spread the
word, we need more ...

- ----
Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email . scrappy at                              MSN . scrappy at
Yahoo . yscrappy               Skype:        ICQ . 7615664
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)


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