Book Available in PDF Format

Annelise Anderson andrsn at
Sun May 21 05:50:12 UTC 2006

The book I wrote for users new to both FreeBSD and UNIX, FreeBSD: An
Open Source Operating System for Your Personal Computer, first published
in August 2001 and available continuously in the first and then the
second edition on Amazon and BSDMall, is now out of print.

I've therefore made the pdf files (four of them) used to print the book
on my web page and ftp server:


The book was written for FreeBSD 4.x and hasn't been updated for 5.x
or 6.x.  Nevertheless, people continue to ask for it and send me
messages that it's been helpful.  This is, I think, because it assumes
virtually zero knowledge of UNIX or FreeBSD and was carefully written
not to assume in one chapter information not covered until a later

The book is still under copyright and thus isn't available for commercial
reprint, but for personal use.

 	Best regards,


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