New Logo

Joshua Tinnin krinklyfig at
Tue Nov 1 18:50:53 PST 2005

On Tue 1 Nov 05 15:39, "Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg" <listsub at> 
> stheg olloydson wrote:
> > it was said by stanb:
> >> YUK!!!!!!!!!
> >>
> >> --
> >> U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote - Officials Cite 83% Turnout
> >> Despite Vietcong Terror
> >> - New York Times 9/3/1967
> >
> > Look on the bright side! Everyone expected this to turn out
> > badly, and they got more than they expected. Way more.
> >
> > shudders,
> >
> > stheg
> Speak for yourself!
> I had great expectations, and I'm very pleased to see the result.
> Congratulations to core and the winner of the contest for a job
> well done.
> 'Everyone' does not have a problem with FreeBSD trying to make
> progress. I know a lot of people do, but far from everyone.

Progress != a new logo. I am always happy to see FreeBSD make progress. 
I have no problem with the idea of a new logo, but my hopes were not 
high, given that it became a controversial subject. I wasn't going to 
say anything, but honestly, I don't like it that much. It looks a bit 
dated for an update, and it doesn't do well in black on white - the 
font is too thin (and way too art-deco/euro-like) and doesn't seem to 
have much to do with the "head" icon. In fact the head and wording seem 
as if they were put together as an afterthought. And what's with the 
sateen/silk background? Looks like a velvet painting, which is sorta 
groovy in a kitchy way, but I don't think that was the intention.

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, and it looks like some work went 
into it, but it's too trendy to be memorable and have staying power, 
and it's too far behind-the-curve to be trendy. It looks like it's 
trying too hard ... I dunno. Just that I get the feeling it will have 
to be updated soon to look "modern" again, and it might be better for 
FreeBSD to go with a more "classic" look that can withstand changes in 
trends. Some logos never have to be - and never should be - updated 
(again, I don't think this is one of them), and that's a better idea 
for the long run. Just MHO.

- jt

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