Logo Contest
Peter Kieser
pfak at telus.net
Wed Feb 9 13:49:52 PST 2005
When the Project decides that political correctness is more important
than a tradition dating back over 20 years, something is wrong.
Personally I really don't care if a user selects another OS based on the
fact that we have a devil as our mascot. They are better off on another
OS anyways, because they're likely to cause problems -- because people
with that kind of attitude are likely to bring up other "issues" with
our "product".
Alexandr Kovalenko wrote:
>Hello, Robert Watson!
>On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 09:13:39PM +0000, you wrote:
>>>I'd like to voice my support for the logo competition.
>>>I was particularly pleased to read a comment on Daemon News that Beastie
>>>would remain the mascot and that the logo and mascot are being
>>>separated. I am hopeful that this comment was accurate.
>>>...now, if I could only draw......
>>The comment is accurate. We'd like to get a logo we can provide to
>>companies that are willing to stick it on their products as "supporting
>>FreeBSD" -- while we all love the Daemon, we know that not every company
>>can stick it on their Ethernet card box or server support web page. The
>>intent is to keep Beastie as the Mascot, and you'll still see him all over
>>the place. I can't imagine that FreeBSD t-shirts will stop holding him,
>>let alone the large number of web pages, CDROM distributions, and so on.
>>And don't forget the stuffed animal Beasties :-).
>But I've already seen some products which represented Beastie as
>"Designed for FreeBSD" (actually they mean "Designed to be supported by
>FreeBSD" :).
>Heh, anyway, political correctness is a$$pain for me...
>>For entertainment value, I should scan in the anonymous letter I received
>>from someone in Kansas a few years ago. It compared the Beastie to using
>>Osama Bin Laden as the FreeBSD logo, and was CC'd to my company and
>>research sponsors. It's a classic :-). Of course, it wasn't appreciated
>>at work because this was a bit after the anthrax scare, and anonymous
>>mailed envelopes weren't real popular.
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