March 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Mar 1 08:51:32 PDT 2004
Ending: Wed Mar 31 20:52:13 PDT 2004
Messages: 239
- Daemon's Advocate article
- Daemon's Advocate article
Johnson David
- Daemon's Advocate article
Scott I. Remick
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Matt Jarjoura
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Scott I. Remick
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Diane Bruce
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Johnson David
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Linh Pham
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
twig les
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Peter Kieser
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Peter Kieser
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Scott I. Remick
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg
- Daemon's Advocate article
Vulpes Velox
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Johnson David
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Vulpes Velox
- desktops and 'sysinstall'
- Daemon's Advocate article
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- Daemon's Advocate article
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Eric Anderson
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jeremy C. Reed
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Tim Hammerquist
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Jonathon McKitrick
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Marina Brown
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Marina Brown
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jeremy C. Reed
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
Mike Hoskins
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Mike Hoskins
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Eric Anderson
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- FreeBSD Most wanted
twig les
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Marina Brown
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Matt Olander
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- workstations aren't always the same as desktops
- workstations aren't always the same as desktops
Jeremy C. Reed
- workstations aren't always the same as desktops
- Daemon's Advocate article
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
- Daemon's Advocate article
- desktops and 'sysinstall'
- my thoughts on FreeBSD
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jeremy C. Reed
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- workstations aren't always the same as desktops
John Martinez
- workstations aren't always the same as desktops
- Daemon's Advocate article
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Willie Viljoen
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Willie Viljoen
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Eric Anderson
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- autoconfiguring X (was Re: FreeBSD Most wanted)
Jeremy C. Reed
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Mike Hoskins
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- autoconfiguring X (was Re: FreeBSD Most wanted)
Mike Hoskins
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- autoconfiguring X
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- autoconfiguring X
Jeremy C. Reed
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Marina Brown
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Devon H. O'Dell
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
John Martinez
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jim Zajkowski
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jim Zajkowski
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Jeremy C. Reed
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Johnson David
- FreeBSD Most wanted
John Martinez
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Dan Langille
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Josef El-Rayes
- open source challenges (was Re: FreeBSD Most wanted)
Mike Hoskins
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P.
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Vulpes Velox
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- open source challenges (was Re: FreeBSD Most wanted)
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Manfred Riem
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- autoconfiguring X
- FreeBSD Most wanted
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Devon H. O'Dell
- advocacy/63854: PR-web page loses text
Christopher R. Bowman
- FreeBSD Most wanted
Brett Glass
- Installation - More user friendly
Donald Turnbull
- Installation - More user friendly
Dan Langille
- [Freebsd-advocacy] Re: Installation - More user friendly
Remko Lodder
- advocacy/63854: PR-web page loses text
Josef El-Rayes
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- FreeBSD Desktop
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
Vulpes Velox
- Desktop FreeBSD
Michal Pasternak
- Desktop FreeBSD
Joao Schim
- Desktop FreeBSD
Michal Pasternak
- Desktop FreeBSD
Willie Viljoen
- Desktop FreeBSD
Joao Schim
- Installation - More user friendly
Johnson David
- Installation - More user friendly
Thompson, Jimi
- Installation - More user friendly
Matthew Seaman
- Desktop FreeBSD
Johnson David
- Installation - More user friendly
Johnson David
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
Michal Pasternak
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Installation - More user friendly
Vulpes Velox
- Installation - More user friendly
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
peter lageotakes
- Desktop FreeBSD
dashevil at
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
Willie Viljoen
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
Johnson David
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
Michal Pasternak
- Desktop FreeBSD
Chris Pressey
- Desktop FreeBSD
Johnson David
- Desktop FreeBSD
twig les
- Are the Open Source desktops too complicated?
Drews, Jonathan*
- Are the Open Source desktops too complicated?
Johnson David
- FreeBSD desktop or free version of Windows ?
Drews, Jonathan*
- Desktop FreeBSD
- FreeBSD desktop or free version of Windows ?
- FreeBSD desktop or free version of Windows ?
Michal Pasternak
- Desktop FreeBSD
Mike Hoskins
- Desktop FreeBSD
Willie Viljoen
- Desktop FreeBSD
Paul Robinson
- Desktop FreeBSD
Paul Robinson
- FreeSBIE 1.0 works well
Drews, Jonathan*
- Desktop FreeBSD
- Desktop FreeBSD
Mike Hoskins
- Desktop FreeBSD
Paul Robinson
- diarrhoea
- ridiculous
Eric Anderson
- Installation - More user friendly
Lucas Czejgis
- Desktop FreeBSD
Mike Hoskins
- freebsd-advocacy Digest, Vol 50, Issue 6
The Pyker
- EuroBSDCon 2004 semi-official announcement
Josef El-Rayes
- EuroBSDCon 2004 semi-official announcement
Ceri Davies
- EuroBSDCon 2004 semi-official announcement
Josef El-Rayes
- Mainframe support
- Mainframe support
Mike Jeays
- Mainframe support
Charlie Root
- Mainframe support
Johnson David
- Mainframe support
Adam Turoff
- Mainframe support
Johnson David
- Mainframe support
Nik Clayton
- Mainframe support
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- The Website
- The Website
Dan Langille
- The Website
peter lageotakes
- The Website
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- The Website
Kris Kennaway
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Devon H. O'Dell
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Bob Martin
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Michal Pasternak
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Michal Pasternak
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Devon H. O'Dell
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- The Website
Paul Robinson
- The Website
Devon H. O'Dell
- The Website
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Bob Martin
- The Website
John Von Essen
- The Website
Tom Rhodes
- The Website
Jeremy C. Reed
- The Website
- The Website
Jim Zajkowski
- The Website
John Von Essen
- The Website
Linh Pham
- The Website
Kevin Golding
- The Website
Michal Pasternak
- The Website
Dan Langille
- The Website
John Von Essen
- The Website
Charles Oppermann
- The Website
Charles Oppermann
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Charles Oppermann
- The Website
Jeff Jirsa (HMC)
- Advocacy on ZDNet
- The Website
Devon H. O'Dell
- The Website
Michal Pasternak
- The Website
Devon H. O'Dell
- The Website
Dan Langille
- The Website
Vulpes Velox
- The Website
Chris Dillon
- The Website
Devon H. O'Dell
- The Website
Johnson David
- The Website
Freddie Cash
- The Website
Devon H. O'Dell
- Call for Developers (Was: Re: The Website)
Devon H. O'Dell
- The Website
Michal Pasternak
- Advocacy on ZDNet
Johnson David
- The Website
Marina Brown
- The Website
twig les
- The Website
Ed Stover
- advocacy/64970: audio/baudline: update port to 0.97, unbreak
Tom McLaughlin
- ports/64970: audio/baudline: update port to 0.97, unbreak
Josef El-Rayes
- Call for Developers (Was: Re: The Website)
Devon H. O'Dell
- BSD Success Stories
- BSD Success Stories
Matt Olander
- BSD Success Stories
Mike Jeays
- BSD Success Stories
Matt Olander
- Call for Developers (Was: Re: The Website)
Charlie Root
- Call for Developers (Was: Re: The Website)
Charlie Root
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 20:52:13 PDT 2004
Archived on: Wed Mar 31 21:07:10 PDT 2004
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).