Oracle Meeting Results

Lukas Ertl l.ertl at
Thu Jan 15 14:17:36 PST 2004

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Matt Olander wrote:

> What we ended up discussing is a 'not officially supported' development
> version of Oracle downloadable from their website after filling in the
> standard who, what, where, and why type of form with the typical
> disclaimers, which I believe they already do for the other development
> versions.

This is _awesome_ news!

> In an attempt to placate his concerns about supporting a test download
> like this, we informed him that the FreeBSD community is used to figuring
> out things on their own, and that we could possibly have a couple of DBA
> contacts within the community act as primary contacts for initial
> support and an oracle specific mailing list.

You may abuse me as you like :-)

(Yes, I'm really in need of a native Oracle - not necessarily the server,
but definitely the client.)


Lukas Ertl                             eMail: l.ertl at
UNIX Systemadministrator               Tel.:  (+43 1) 4277-14073
Vienna University Computer Center      Fax.:  (+43 1) 4277-9140
University of Vienna         

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