Netcraft says...

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Mon Jan 12 07:18:04 PST 2004

Matt Olander wrote:

>On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 10:41:31PM +0000, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>>The reports on the second half of 2003 have been published.  7 of the
>>9 top sites on the Web run FreeBSD.
>absolutely wonderful!
>can people PLEASE send me every link/chart/graphic/spreadsheet similar
>to the above to gather into a presentation for Oracle? 
>once I'm finished, I'd be glad to post the presentation back to the list
Here are a few things from Netcraft, in case you've
been too busy to browse there:

The new story, that Matt S is referring to:
It's the 4th paragraph of the top story
currently on the index of
Seven of the top nine sites run on FreeBSD. The exceptions
are Datapipe, 
which is doing a fine job of promoting the
reliability of Windows 2003, and German hosting company which runs on Linux 
And the December index had this story somewhere down the page:

During November 
was the most reliable hosting
company site monitored by us with just one failed request from
our five measurement points during the month. New York Internet
is the first company to be top of the table for two months,
having previously been top in June.

Sites running on BSD operating systems occupied six out of the
first seven places: Secure Dog Hosting runs OpenBSD 
New York Internet 
and Yahoo 
all use

Another, as of 1/11/2004 (been there a while, though) from:

Following June, when the top five hosting company sites
with fewest failed requests were all running FreeBSD,
FreeBSD is again disproportionately represented at the
top of the table with five of the top 10 and seven of the
top 13 sites running that operating system, but in other
respects the Top 10 again come from all segments of
the industry from shared hosting through to high end
colocation services.

Four companies' sites - Cable and Wireless, Pair Networks,
New York Internet and were placed in the
Top 10 during both June and July.


Kevin Kinsey

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