One of your employees are very rude.

Johnson David DavidJohnson at
Mon Feb 2 11:11:03 PST 2004

Ray Bagby wrote:
> Y'know, I understand the IRC individual is not an official
> representative of FreeBSD, BUT, he is using the FreeBSD name and
> pissing people off. Is this just something that has to be tolerated?

It is unfortunate, but there is nothing to do but tolerate it. "FreeBSD" 
doesn't have the legal authority to dump people off of other private forums.

Just using the name "FreeBSD" isn't good enough. But what if it were? 
What if Microsoft had the authority to kick you off of Slashdot because 
you said "Windows sux"?

> Is there no recourse for this type of situation?

There are several recourses. Complain to the moderator/administrator of 
the forum. Stop going to that channel. Grow a thicker skin.

To put it another way, if you walk into a seedy bar, expect to encounter 
some drunk spoiling for a fight. Likewise, if you enter any IRC channel, 
expect to find obnoxious people. It's the nature of IRC.

I've been on forums of various kinds for over twenty years. There have 
always been rude and impolite people spoiling the conversations. The 
difference now is that the huge influx of users since the "discovery" of 
the internet has increased the numbers of boorish folks.


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