TextMaker for FreeBSD now also supports FreeBSD 5.x

Christian Brueffer chris at unixpages.org
Sun Oct 12 06:50:14 PDT 2003

On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 09:56:22PM +0200, Martin Kotulla wrote:
> Hmm, that was a bit unexpected. FreeBSD 5.x is not binary-compatible 
> with 4.x; AFAICS all X apps have to be relinked with a different set of 
> libraries.
> We just did that and now have separate binaries for FreeBSD 4.x and 
> FreeBSD 5.x. If you are interested in the latest trial version of 
> TextMaker for FreeBSD, go to http://www.softmaker.de/tml_en.htm and get 
> the updated binaries.
> As previously said, I am very interested in all kinds of feedback on 
> TextMaker for FreeBSD.

I have downloaded the trial for FreeBSD 5.x and I like it so far.  Runs
without problems.
Are you planning to release a Mac OS X version?

- Christian

Christian Brueffer	chris at unixpages.org	brueffer at FreeBSD.org
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