TextMaker: Should we support FreeBSD at all?

Johnson David DavidJohnson at Siemens.com
Tue Oct 7 13:31:41 PDT 2003

On Tuesday 07 October 2003 01:14 pm, Martin Kotulla wrote:

> >>3. Which printed magazines do you read that cover FreeBSD?
> >
> > Hahahaha. I once tried ordering a copy of DaemonNews. That didn't
> > work out. Are there any printed mags that cover it any detail?
> > Should we start trying to subvert the Linux magazines by offering
> > regular pieces to editors? Perhaps a piece on why more commercial
> > companies should start supporting FreeBSD?
> Well, there ARE magazines with *BSD coverage, at least here in
> Germany. So I think that question was legitimate ...

I just received a copy of the Winter 2003 Daemonnews printzine on 
Saturday. That's the only US BSD-specific zine that I know.

But there are several others that cover open source in general though 
they may have "Linux" in their name. If the article isn't about the 
kernel, glibc, or a specific distro, it's probably applicable to 
FreeBSD. I seem to recall BSD specific articles or reviews in both 
Linux Journal and Linux magazine in the past.


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