advocacy/47559: New FreeBSD PR campaign has been started...multiple projects underway.

Devon H. O'Dell dodell at
Wed Aug 20 03:12:49 PDT 2003

acc at wrote:
Hey Anthony,

I'm definitely interested in contributing to these projects; I'm a PHP 
(among other languages) programmer and "supporting author" (for lack of 
a better word) of a couple of PHP-related titles from Wrox. Let me know 
what the ideas are; I'm definitely up for helping.

I've joined the bsd-advocacy list on Daemon News.


>The following reply was made to PR advocacy/47559; it has been noted by GNATS.
>From: acc at
>To: freebsd-gnats-submit at, olivas at
>Subject: Re: advocacy/47559: New FreeBSD PR campaign has been started...
> multiple projects underway.
>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 00:11:17 -0600
> >State:          suspended
> This project will (eventually) be developed on two domains:
> (for sharing news about advocacy opportunties) and
> (a clearinghouse for advocacy resources, ammunition
> and the like).
> All members of the project currently extremely busy, so the project has
> been put temporarily on hold.  In need of developer with PHP/Smarty
> (, /usr/ports/www/smarty) and PostgreSQL/Berkeley
> DB skills to put together the foundation for the sites.
> If interested in contributing, please join the mailing list at the
> following URL and let us know!
>freebsd-advocacy at mailing list
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