2k uptime ;-)

Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg listsub at 401.cx
Wed Aug 6 09:10:33 PDT 2003

Christian Kratzer wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I recently revisited a customers site at which I had setup a FreeBSD
> based lan router some time back.  Yep it is still up and running with the
> same ipfw rules I had setup back then.  And yes it is still their main
> gateway to the world.
>   ck at xxxxxxx: {7} uname -a
>   FreeBSD xxxxxxx.xxx.de 2.2.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 2.2.2-RELEASE #0: Mon Feb  9 18:53:29 CET 1998     ck at xxxxxxx.xxx.de:/usr/src/sys/compile/XXXXXXX  i386
>   ck at xxxxxxx: {8} uptime
>   12:18PM  up 2003 days, 16:12, 1 user, load averages: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
>   ck at xxxxxxx: {9}
> This just HAD to be posted to advocacy ;-)
> The tough part about this is that it would have a about year more uptime if
> it weren't for that kernel rebuild and reboot in 1998 to include drivers for
> their newly installed 100mbit ethernet cards that were not included in the
> original kernel. ;-(
> This beats the bsd/os based web server on top of uptime.netcraft.com by
> about 250 days I should say.
> http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/today/top.avg.html
> Greetings
> Christian Kratzer
> CK Software GmbH

Install a minimum apache server on it and ask Netcraft to check 
what its running.
It will take first place on the list. :)

The downside is that you will show the world that you are running 
a very old release that probably have loads of bugs and exploits.


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