loading the coredump file to memory

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Tue Mar 26 18:44:52 UTC 2019

On 2019-Mar-26 13:16:40 +0000, Shivaprashanth H <shivprashanth.h at globaledgesoft.com> wrote:
>using sysctl debug.kdb.panic=1 command, panic can be simulated which results in system reboot and writing of system context(ram snapshot?) to a file vmcore.x in /var/crash
>my question is, will it be possible to load this file back into memory?

If you mean, can you take the crashdump and turn it back into a running system,
no that's not possible.  Maybe if you explain what your objective is, we might
be able to make suggestions.

(And, I'm not sure how this relates to ACPI).
Peter Jeremy
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