[PATCH] ACPI CMOS region support rev. 6

Anthony Jenkins Anthony.B.Jenkins at att.net
Fri Jun 26 01:14:58 UTC 2015

Sooo here's the new and improved rev. 6, "new and improved" because it
increases the diff line count by 332%.
> [ajenkins at ajenkins-hplaptop /usr/src]$ wc -l atrtc_c_rev5.diff
> atrtc_rev6.diff
>      220 atrtc_c_rev5.diff
>      731 atrtc_rev6.diff

This is to satisfy the request to split the atrtc.c driver into a "core"
part and "bus" parts:
> Looking at patch 5:
> You need to rework this so there’s an atrtc_acpi.c. Put all the ACPI attachment in there. You should also split off the little bit that’s ISA-specific into atrtc_isa. Once you do that, we can talk.
> Warner
I actually finished this patch a couple months ago and have been running
it on my laptop, I just don't see the point...maybe Warner could
elaborate on the rationale for his request?  At the very least, this
should be two commits - the functional change and the refactorization

I may have also added Ian's request for verbosity tweaks, but it's been
a while... I don't see any CMOS logging noise FWIW.


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