Yuri's Night 2015 - April 12, 2015 - "Offical Party Notification"

Fred Koschara yurisnight15 at L5Development.com
Wed Apr 8 08:03:14 UTC 2015

Yuri's Night 2015


   54 years ago, on the 12th of April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first
   human to go into space. On the same date 20 years later (1981), John
   Young and Robert Crippen flew NASA's first Space Shuttle flight to
   orbit. Join events around the world to celebrate your passion for space
   and a positive future for the people of planet Earth.

  For more information about Yuri's Night 2015
  visit [2]https://www.yurisnight.net/2015/

L5 Development Group


Yuri's Night 2015

   Sunday, April 12, 2015
   4 pm - 10 pm

   [3]16 Brookings Street, Medford

   Dress Casual - BYOB Strongly Suggested
   Some munchies provided, more appreciated


   All 7 50 minute episodes of
   [4]When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions
   will be shown in series throughout the party


   General Party Info:
     * Please sign the guestbook. (Legible email addresses get
       Donation jars are right next to the guestbook, and in the kitchen
       near the bar area, please feed them if you don't bring something!
     * Some munchies will be provided, more would be appreciated:
       If everyone stops and brings something, we'll get to have food all
       night if we want and eat like kings and queens.
     * Suggestions: home cooked food, pizza, fruit tray, veggie tray, cold
       cut tray, chips & dip, soda, hummus, M&Ms, pretzels, nuts.
       Home cooked stuff is always GREAT!
       You don't have to spend a lot, just bring something you enjoy.
     * Pizza Days, at 364 Boston Ave., will be open throughout the party.
       They also deliver - promptly! (Make sure you've got the money
       together before you call your order in!)
     * Some beverages will be available.
       BYOB strongly suggested, especially if there's something specific
       you want.
     * I am still moving in, so accomodations are not complete, but you
       can still expect to be comfortable.
     * Smoking on the front porch ONLY - no smoking in the house.
     * $50 FINE per butt for cigarettes thrown off the porch!
       Use ash trays, PLEASE!!!!

   Parking info:

   After the recent favorable spring weather, parking will be a lot less
   of a problem than it was for parties earlier this winter, but you still
   need to be prepared to do some walking: Brookings Street doesn't have a
   lot of immediately available space. Your best bet is probably on
   Marston Street by the playground, one block over - just remember it's
   one way from George Street to Summer Street.

   [5]Map Link (Google Maps)

   Contact Fred Koschara for Info/[6]Directions/RSVP
   (c: 617-792-4320) ----- email: [7]yurisnight15 at L5Development.com


   1. https://www.yurisnight.net/2015/
   2. https://www.yurisnight.net/2015/
   3. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=16+Brookings+St,+Medford,+MA
   4. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1233514/?ref_=tt_rec_tti
   5. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=16+Brookings+St,+Medford,+MA
   6. https://maps.google.com/maps?q=16+Brookings+St,+Medford,+MA
   7. mailto:yurisnight15 at L5Development.com

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