Investigating failed suspend/resume T61

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Fri Jun 6 01:52:03 UTC 2014

ok so when you disable the modem, does it still think there's a modem
there? Is it still trying to power the device off via ACPI even though
it's not probed?


On 5 June 2014 10:50, Sean Bruno <sbruno at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 15:32 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please also document why it is/isn't working. It's only documented as
>> "suspend/resume doesn't work" :)
>> -a
> Well there's this that trasz updated to indicate that it works:
> I just updated this to indicate the same information:
> sean

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