Sleep/resume in FreeBSD 9 on a ThinkPad

matt sendtomatt at
Mon Nov 12 17:12:36 UTC 2012

On 11/10/12 11:50, Stefan Horomnea wrote:
> Hi,
> I am enthusiastic to have switched recently to FreeBSD on my laptop. I have
> been using Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu) in the past few years. I am using FreeBSD
> 9.0 on a ThinkPad L512.
> One of my challenges now is to make again my laptop to sleep and resume
> from sleep correctly. I have read and tried a few things written here:
> with no luck.
> What happens is:
> acpiconf -s 3
> seems to get the job done, the hdd and monitor stop, the power button is
> blinking, so it looks like in the sleep state.
> But after I push the power button, it reboots instead of coming out of the
> sleep.
> I also tried killing X, unloading some of the kernel modules, and then run
> the sleep command. But it does the same.
> Debug info:
> dmesg:
> asl dump:
> The files are hosted on dropbox so they are not formatted correctly but you
> can download them to see them properly.
> Any help is much appreciated :)
> Thank you,
> Stefan
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Please try various configurations of hw.pci.do_power_resume and
hw.pci.do_power_suspend. I used to have an SL410 that required

If I recall correctly, the fast blinking power light actually is an
embedded controller panic. Sleep was a very slow pulsing.


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