can't recompile vanilla dsdt

Chris Whitehouse cwhiteh at
Sun Jun 10 15:24:16 UTC 2012


[please cc me, I'm not subscribed, thanks]

I'm hoping someone can help me with this small problem. I created a 
custom aml a while ago:

Now I want to redo it but even a vanilla dsdt won't recompile. I'm sure 
I didn't have these errors previously, perhaps the compiler has become 
more strict?


muji64# iasl nc6320.asl

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ASL Optimizing Compiler version 20110527-64
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Intel Corporation

nc6320.asl    830:                     0x00000000,         // Length
Error    4122 -                                 ^ Invalid combination of 
Length and Min/Max fixed flags

nc6320.asl    837:                     0x011FEFFF,         // Length
Error    4118 -                                 ^ Length is not equal to 
fixed Min/Max window

nc6320.asl   2978:                     Method (_BCQ, 0, Serialized)
Warning  1099 -             Unknown reserved name ^  (_BCQ)

nc6320.asl   2978:                     Method (_BCQ, 0, Serialized)
Warning  1099 -             Unknown reserved name ^  (_BCQ)

nc6320.asl   3395:                     Name (C1A6, Package (0x08)
Remark   5048 -                                                ^ 
Initializer list shorter than declared package length

nc6320.asl   4398:                                 Return (0x00)
Warning  1128 -     Reserved method should not return a value ^  (_DIS)

nc6320.asl   4402:                             Return (0x00)
Warning  1128 -                                           ^ Reserved 
method should not return a value (_DIS)

nc6320.asl   4722:                                 Return (0x00)
Warning  1128 -     Reserved method should not return a value ^  (_DIS)

nc6320.asl   4726:                             Return (0x00)
Warning  1128 -                                           ^ Reserved 
method should not return a value (_DIS)

nc6320.asl   5677:                     If (LEqual (C214, 0xFFFFFFFD))
Warning  1100 -        Statement is unreachable ^

ASL Input:  nc6320.asl - 14586 lines, 528295 bytes, 6747 keywords
Compilation complete. 2 Errors, 7 Warnings, 1 Remarks, 2310 Optimizations

The two errors are here in the asl:

     789             Name (C08D, ResourceTemplate ()
     790             {
     791                 WordBusNumber (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, 
MaxFixed, PosDecode,
     792                     0x0000,             // Granularity
     793                     0x0000,             // Range Minimum
     794                     0x00FF,             // Range Maximum
     795                     0x0000,             // Translation Offset
     796                     0x0100,             // Length
     797                     ,, )
     798                 IO (Decode16,
     799                     0x0CF8,             // Range Minimum
     800                     0x0CF8,             // Range Maximum
     801                     0x01,               // Alignment
     802                     0x08,               // Length
     803                     )
     804                 WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, 
PosDecode, EntireRange,
     805                     0x0000,             // Granularity
     806                     0x0000,             // Range Minimum
     807                     0x0CF7,             // Range Maximum
     808                     0x0000,             // Translation Offset
     809                     0x0CF8,             // Length
     810                     ,, , TypeStatic)
     811                 WordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, 
PosDecode, EntireRange,
     812                     0x0000,             // Granularity
     813                     0x0D00,             // Range Minimum
     814                     0xFFFF,             // Range Maximum
     815                     0x0000,             // Translation Offset
     816                     0xF300,             // Length
     817                     ,, , TypeStatic)
     818                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     819                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     820                     0x000A0000,         // Range Minimum
     821                     0x000BFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     822                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     823                     0x00020000,         // Length
     824                     ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     825                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     826                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     827                     0x00000000,         // Range Minimum
     828                     0xFEDFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     829                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     830                     0x00000000,         // Length
     831                     ,, _Y02, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     832                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     833                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     834                     0xFEE01000,         // Range Minimum
     835                     0xFFFFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     836                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     837                     0x011FEFFF,         // Length
     838                     ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     839             })

Both these compile ok:

     825                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     826                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     827                     0x0000D000,         // Range Minimum
     828                     0xFEDFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     829                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     830                     0xFEDF3000,         // Length
     831                     ,, _Y02, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     832                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     833                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     834                     0xFEE01000,         // Range Minimum
     835                     0xFFFFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     836                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     837                     0x011FF000,         // Length
     838                     ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     825                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     826                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     827                     0x00000000,         // Range Minimum
     828                     0xFEDFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     829                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     830                     0xFEE00000,         // Length
     831                     ,, _Y02, AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)
     832                 DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, 
MinFixed, MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadWrite,
     833                     0x00000000,         // Granularity
     834                     0xFEE01000,         // Range Minimum
     835                     0xFFFFFFFF,         // Range Maximum
     836                     0x00000000,         // Translation Offset
     837                     0x011FF000,         // Length
     838                     ,, , AddressRangeMemory, TypeStatic)

The first has (nearly) contiguous ranges, in the second the range in the 
DWordMemory at line 825 overlaps with the range in the DWordMemory at 
line 818.

Should I be changing the lengths to correspond to the range max and min 
values or the other way round?

uname -a
FreeBSD muji64 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan  3 07:46:30 
UTC 2012     root at 

Complete asl

Thanks for any help, sorry for such a long post.


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