cpu stopping [Was: preparation for x86/acpica/acpi_wakeup.c]

Andriy Gapon avg at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 3 19:35:26 UTC 2012

on 03/06/2012 12:54 Attilio Rao said the following:
> 2012/6/3 Andriy Gapon <avg at freebsd.org>:
>> on 03/06/2012 00:39 Attilio Rao said the following:
>>> The first thing to consider is that right now we only have 2 states
>>> for CPUs: started and stopped. These states are controlled by
>>> started_cpus and stopped_cpus masks respectively. It seems you really
>>> want to add an intermediate level among the 2 where you have: started
>>> -> suspended -> started -> suspended ... -> stopped and you need to
>>> expand the mechanism for dealing with started and stopped cpus to do
>>> that. I'm pretty sure this will be very helpful also for other
>>> architectures that want to do the same.
>> As the first thing I must admit that I haven't looked at the patch :-)
>> But really I don't see why we need to differentiate between stopped and
>> suspended state as both of them ultimately mean exactly the same thing - CPUs
>> are spinning on some condition (and they are in a well-defined place and state).
> This is debeatable and I'm not sure I agree.
> At some point we may want to implement CPU on-the-fly suspension for
> CPUs which is a different event than "stopping" (where stopping will
> be "permanent stopping" and suspending will be "possible to recover
> suspension").

Right, but that should operate on the level above the current code.
I.e. first stop all slave CPUs, than set state of a target CPU (which includes
global view of that state), then resume all other CPUs.

> The important thing about this is that we need to expand our model in
> a way that it makes simple to add more states to the CPUs than simple
> started/stopped. Right now we don't have any architecture for this in
> place.

I can't disagree with this, but I think that the current IPI-to-stop code is not
a place for that.  It's too low level.

>> My view of how this should work is:
>> - there can be only one master CPU that controls all other (slave) CPUs
>> - the master sets entry and exit hooks
>> - the master signals slaves to enter the stop state
>> - the slaves execute the enter hook and start spinning on the release condition
>> - the master does whatever it wants to do in this special system state
>> - the master signals the slaves to resume
>> - the slave exit the spin loop and execute the exit hook
>> We have almost all of this in place.  Only now we have different IPIs and
>> different IPI handlers to do the job (cpustop_handler and cpususpend_handler).
>> I think that the hooks model should be more universal.
> For hook you mean like a rendezvous handler? I'm not sure I understand
> otherwise.

Maybe, perhaps.  I meant just a couple of function pointers.
cpustop_restartfunc seems to be a better analogy.

>> In my opinion, what really would deserve a completely independent path is the
>> hard-stop case.  As this can be invoked nested to the other cases.  E.g. exotic
>> situations like a breakpoint or a trap or a panic in the suspend or the normal
>> stop code paths.
> What I'm really interested is expanding our model in a way that it can
> handle multiple CPU states. Then it is just a matter of adding the
> right states and it is all trivial work.
> And however, as already mentioned, I'm not sure I would assimilate
> suspended = stopped.

Andriy Gapon

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