(Missing) power states of an Atom N455-based netbook
Andriy Gapon
avg at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jul 1 11:55:00 UTC 2011
on 01/07/2011 01:52 Vitaly Magerya said the following:
> I got the dumps for Linux (it appears that you can't just read
> /dev/mem on there, you need to mmap it). The summary of differences
> between FreeBSD and Linux right after the boot:
> DB00: 01 -> 00
> P80D: 06:08:00:00 -> 06:08:4C:00
Not sure what these two are.
> PCP0: 1D -> BF
> PCP1: 1D -> BF
These reflect advertised OS power-management capabilities and appear to be correct.
> BRTL: 00 -> 1E
This seems to be a variable holding current BRighTness Level.
It seems to be ralated to _BCM/_BQC/etc methods used acpi_video driver.
> VDRV: 00 -> 01
Looks like this variable should tell if OS has ACPI Video driver, to be precise
if _BCL method was invoked at least once.
Looks like in your case the driver doesn't attach for some reason?..
Unfortunately, I don't remember if or where you provided your dmesg.
> (Note that C1ON is 0 just as with FreeBSD, and yet powertop does
> report C2 and C4).
Hmm, this is the strangest thing. According to my analysis of all the ASL code
that we extracted if C1ON is zero, then no deep C-states should be reported by
_CST method.
As such, I wonder where does Linux get C-states information from? Or what else
could be going on here. Maybe they somehow query them directly from HW
by-passing ACPI in this case...
Actually, it seems that they have them simply hardcoded:
I am not sure how to check on Linux which cpuidle driver is being used. If you
know, could please check that? And if the driver is intel_idle, then there is
no mystery, they use those hardcoded values.
> Then, after about 4 minutes of uptime, C1ON changes to 1 (and
> powertop still reports the same states).
OK, no difference here. So it's probably done by firmware based on some unknown
Andriy Gapon
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