Brightness change on notebook that follow ACPI specification (par. B.7)

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Mar 30 14:55:10 UTC 2010

On Monday 29 March 2010 11:32:55 pm Dan Lukes wrote:
> Most notebooks have special keys (mostly Fn+something) to change 
> brightness of LCD display.
> Some of them (my notebok, for example) follows the ACPI specification 
> (paragraph B.7) how to announce the user request for brightness change 
> to OS.
> I implemented such handling as part of acpi-video module.
> It's verified to work on my HP Mini 5101 & FreeBSD 8.0.
> No test on other notebook done as I have no other notebook.

A patch to implement the brightness controls was already committed to HEAD a 
while ago and have already been merged to 8-stable and 7-stable.  Can you test 
the a kernel from 8-stable to ensure it works ok on your machine?  The patches 
in HEAD work fine on an HP Mini 2140 that I have here.

John Baldwin

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