Nehalem PCI devices (was Re: Failure to get past a PCI bridge)

John Baldwin jhb at
Fri Feb 26 22:38:20 UTC 2010

On Friday 26 February 2010 5:00:54 pm Andrew Boyer wrote:
> I found this conversation on freebsd-acpi from last year:
> I have a Nehalem box with two CPUs and two IOHs, running an AMI BIOS and 
FreeBSD 7.1.  I'd like to talk to the processor to change some memory 
controller settings.  FreeBSD doesn't appear to detect anything about the 
processor PCI busses, but I don't speak enough ACPI to say for sure why not.
> The output of 'acpidump -d -t' is at the end of the message.  [Compressed 
now to save everyone's email.]  Would someone please look at the ACPI info to 
tell if the BIOS is reporting the 0xFF and 0xFE busses?
> If it's not, is there a way to talk to a PCI bus that isn't reported or 
detected?  Is bus:dev:fn enough info?
> If this has already been addressed by a newer acpica or pci module, my 

I do not see any 0xfe or 0xff busses in your dump.  I only see two Host-PCI 
bridges both of which have valid _BBN methods, so I don't think you would be 
hitting the issure reported in that thread.

John Baldwin

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