amd64/121439: [boot] Installation of FreeBSD 7.0 fails: ACPI problem with abit ip35 pro

Daniel Burkland dannyburkland at
Sat Jun 20 16:20:09 UTC 2009

The following reply was made to PR amd64/121439; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Daniel Burkland <dannyburkland at>
To: "bug-followup at" <bug-followup at>,
 "paul.antonescu at" <paul.antonescu at>
Subject: Re: amd64/121439: [boot] Installation of FreeBSD 7.0 fails: ACPI problem with abit ip35 pro
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 10:50:09 -0500

 I don't have the exact same board (ASUS P5K Deluxe also p35) but had a  
 similar issue. Even when I set IDE to AHCI it would still lockup if I  
 tried to install from CD. However if I loaded the kernel from the cd,  
 removed the disk at the loader screen, and performed a network install  
 it ran great. Just recently I tried installing a 7.2 Stable snapshot  
 from CD which suffered none of the issues described above. If I may  
 suggest something try installing a recent 7.2 snapshot from CD and  
 post back your results.
 Sent from my iPhone

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