Failure to get past a PCI bridge

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Jun 9 13:49:42 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 09 June 2009 4:15:48 am Josef Moellers wrote:
> > Ok, let me know if it works.  Thanks.
> Yepp! Works like a charm. I had been able to boot the original kernel 
> with the modified BIOS and apply your patch.
> Then I rebooted with that kernel (on the modified BIOS, i.e. the one 
> with the 0 254 255 bus numbers) and it booted OK. Then I flashed the 
> BIOS back to a release version (i.e. one with 255 254 0 bus numbers) and 
> the patched kernel booted OK and the non-patched kernel (kernel.old) 
> crashed because it did not find its root FS.

Woo, thanks for testing.

> BTW As I understand it, the 254 and 255 busses are on-chip Nehalem 
> busses which provide access to certain chip registers.
> Will this make its way into a future release? 8.0?

Yes, it will be in 8.0 and 7.3.

John Baldwin

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