Failure to get past a PCI bridge
Josef Moellers
josef.moellers at
Mon Jun 8 08:09:10 UTC 2009
John Baldwin wrote:
> On Friday 05 June 2009 10:51:44 am Josef Moellers wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for the help!
>> John Baldwin wrote:
>>> On Friday 05 June 2009 5:17:25 am Josef Moellers wrote:
>>>> Difficult, since I can't boot properly.
>>>> However, I have managed to get the dsdt using a SuSE Linux and have run
>>>> that through acpidump -d on a 7.2 running on a XEN virtual machine.
>>>> Here's the result.
>>> Hmm, your BIOS is certainly hosed. First, it does have separate processor
>>> objects:
>> [...]
>> I'll show this to our BIOS people. When I talked to them before, they
>> claimed that everything were OK, since the OSes we support do come up
>> properly.
> I think your BIOS is actually ok, sorry my e-mail was a bit of a stream of
> conciousness.
That's what my colleague confirmed ;-)
However, being the nice guy that he is, he provided me with a
preliminary extra special test version (he was on the brink of going on
holiday!), which presents the bridges in their numerical order (0, 1, 2,
0xfe, 0xff). With that BIOS, I finally got access to the keyboard and
RAID controller and all and I'm installing FBSD as I'm writing this.
So, maybe the algorithm shouldn't be "if we find a bridge with number 0
which is not the first one, give it another number" shouldn't this be
"if we find *a* *second* bridge with number 0, give it another number"?
>>> PCI bus 254, and pcib2 has PCI bus 0). Try this:
>> [...]
>> That will be difficult, because I'd have to rebuild the installation CD
>> from scratch.
>> But I guess fixing the problem is better that building a work-around for it.
> Ah, if you have a working machine where you can build a kernel, you can build
> an new CD using an existing ISO as a template. Simply build a GENERIC kernel
> and install it into some DESTDIR=/foo and mount the ISO image using mdconfig
> to /dist. Then do something like 'mkisofs -o new.iso -r -J -b
> boot/cdboot -no-emul-boot -x /dist/boot/kernel /dist /foo'. If that
> complains about duplicate 'boot/kernel' then you may need to copy all
> of /dist/boot to /foo/boot, install the new kernel into /foo, and
> use '-x /dist/boot /dist /foo'.
> Also, if this machine supports PXE boot at all, that can be a way to boot a
> test kernel as well.
Maybe that's what we'll have to do after all.
Thanks for the support,
These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Technology Solutions!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FTS)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
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