Failure to get past a PCI bridge

Josef Moellers josef.moellers at
Fri Jun 5 14:51:46 UTC 2009


Thanks for the help!

John Baldwin wrote:
> On Friday 05 June 2009 5:17:25 am Josef Moellers wrote:
>> Difficult, since I can't boot properly.
>> However, I have managed to get the dsdt using a SuSE Linux and have run 
>> that through acpidump -d on a 7.2 running on a XEN virtual machine. 
>> Here's the result.
> Hmm, your BIOS is certainly hosed.  First, it does have separate processor
> objects:

I'll show this to our BIOS people. When I talked to them before, they 
claimed that everything were OK, since the OSes we support do come up 
> PCI bus 254, and pcib2 has PCI bus 0).  Try this:
That will be difficult, because I'd have to rebuild the installation CD 
from scratch.
But I guess fixing the problem is better that building a work-around for it.

Have a nice weekend,


These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Technology Solutions!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FTS)
	If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T.  Pratchett)
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