laptop doesn't power off

Tim Matthews tim.matthews7 at
Sat Aug 8 14:32:09 UTC 2009

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 2:16 AM, Glen Barber <glen.j.barber at> wrote:

> What happens when you run 'shutdown -p now' at the console?

Clears screen disables everything including the otherwise work-anytime
button that I can hold down but doesn't actually power-off requiring me to
remove battery and unplug cord. The shutdown routine acts pretty normal and
it is only at the very last step which would be on blank screen then power
is lost about a second or less later.

> Can you boot with verbose logging next startup, and see if anything
> important/useful is displayed next shutdown?

I have tried this before and didn't notice anything unusual but I will try
to post log files within next 24 hours. Would the FS have been unmounted at
the point of error anyway? Because the screen is blanked log files are what
I can give nothing on screen. Is the file /var/log/messages the one we
should be looking at. What other options apart from the usual verbose boot
can I use to make sure everything about the attempt to power off is logged.


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