EST on PentiumD-T2080

William Grzybowski william88 at
Sun Apr 19 19:58:07 UTC 2009


I'm running 8-CURRENT from yesterday.

Before the update I was running the snapshot for 2008-02.

In this snapshot the cpufreq with EST seemed t be working fine, but after the update it is not recognizing the processor MSR.

After a little bit of debugging I was able to get my MSR (32 most significant bits) as 0x06190d28 .
And this value is not in the ESTprocs list, which would be ID32(1300, 1340, 600, 1100, 100) and does not make any sense for this CPU.

So, the ESTprocs list hasn't changed for a while if I've looked it right which means the rdmsr instruction is returning the wrong data for some reason!?

I am not any kind of the expert in the subject, just curious what could be wrong...

The CPU is:
CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2080  @ 1.73GHz (1733.41-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x6ec  Stepping = 12
  AMD Features=0x100000<NX>
  TSC: P-state invariant
  Cores per package: 2

Any toughts?

Thank you.

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