Need info about ACPI - implementing, done ....

Artur Bać artur at
Wed Jan 30 16:59:55 PST 2008

Thursday 31 of January 2008 01:48:13 napisałeś(-łaś):
> This is a bit off-topic.  However, I think the combination of an

Bit of topic, but when we take into consideration of 'pnp0c14' solution 
hiden arguments in some wacpi.sys driver for wmi method in acpi.
No responce for my gentle asks for bios,wmi info from fujitsu siemens ...

> over-complicated spec and the secrecy/anonymity of OEMs is the real
> enabler of acpi problems.  You do know that some small shop in Taiwan

Dosn't matter if there are problems, but does matter if some gay makes 
specially such design and decides whitout me how i will be able to use 
hardware that I OWNS , i payed. 

> actually defined and built your BIOS, not Phoenix or AMI, right?

It dosn't matter for me who in real build my bios hoever this could explain 
why there is no answer from fujitsu-siemens:)

But does matter that there is no portable solution for such cases like my 
which could be used in FreeBSD to solve problems of many users not few like 
my and Mikael.



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