[PATCH] OsdSynch.c modernization

Cristian KLEIN cristi at net.utcluj.ro
Tue Sep 18 14:23:14 PDT 2007

Jung-uk Kim wrote:
> I have rewritten sys/dev/acpica/Osd/OsdSynch.c to match the modern 
> http://people.freebsd.org/~jkim/acpica/OsdSynch.diff
> Major changes are:
> 1. Semaphore is reimplemented with convar(9) instead of mutex(9).
> 2. Semaphore with ACPI_WAIT_FOREVER option actually waits forever now.
> 3. Obsolete and/or hidden debugging knobs and macros are removed.
> 4. ACPI-CA introduced AcpiOs*Mutex() to complement AcpiOs*Semaphore():
> 	http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6634
>    These functions are implemented and turned on by default.
> 5. Spinlock is reimplemented with sx lock and more closely implements 
> the intended behaviour (e.g., save/restore interrupts).
> It is orthogonal to Nate's effort of rewriting acpi_ec.c but I'd like 
> get more feedback *with* his last patch (revision D) because his 
> patch will be committed sooner or later. ;-)
> Please test/review and let us know if there is any regression or not.

Sorry for not being able to test the patch. May I assume this will fix:


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