temperature 80.0C: decreasing clock speed from 1700 MHz to 1400 MHz

Shanker Balan mail at shankerbalan.net
Fri May 25 16:47:31 UTC 2007


I am running recent -current on my HP dv1000 laptop. Each time I start a
compile, the CPU gets very hot.

Both cpufreq and powerd is enabled. This is not a recent problem, has
been around for a bit now, maybe 4 months or more.

Would anyone know what I can do to fix the abnormal rise in temp?

May 25 22:00:03 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 80.0C: decreasing clock speed from 1700 MHz to 1400 MHz
May 25 22:00:08 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 74.0C: resuming previous clock speed (1700 MHz)
May 25 22:00:23 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 80.0C: decreasing clock speed from 1700 MHz to 1225 MHz
May 25 22:00:28 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 74.0C: resuming previous clock speed (1700 MHz)
May 25 22:00:43 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 81.0C: decreasing clock speed from 1700 MHz to 1225 MHz
May 25 22:00:48 faith kernel: acpi_tz0: temperature 74.0C: resuming previous clock speed (1700 MHz)

[faith] ~> uname -a
FreeBSD faith.shanu.net 7.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Wed May 23
07:47:20 IST 2007
shanu at faith.shanu.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL  i386
[faith] ~> ps axw|grep powerd
  951  ??  Ss     0:01.82 /usr/sbin/powerd

[faith] ~> sysctl hw|head
hw.machine: i386
hw.model: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.70GHz
hw.ncpu: 1
hw.byteorder: 1234
hw.physmem: 1051025408
hw.usermem: 844607488
hw.pagesize: 4096
hw.floatingpoint: 1
hw.machine_arch: i386
hw.realmem: 1064173568

[faith] ~> grep acpi /var/run/dmesg.boot
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/acpi.ko" at 0xc0d84b88.
acpi0: <HP 308F> on motherboard
acpi0: [MPSAFE]
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi_hpet0: <High Precision Event Timer> iomem 0-0x3ff on acpi0
device_attach: acpi_hpet0 attach returned 12
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: wakeup code va 0xd7e69000 pa 0x8b000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x1008-0x100b on acpi0
acpi_ec0: <Embedded Controller: GPE 0x1c> port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
acpi_button1: <Sleep Button> on acpi0
acpi_acad0: <AC Adapter> on acpi0
battery0: <ACPI Control Method Battery> on acpi0
acpi_lid0: <Control Method Lid Switch> on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
acpi_tz0: <Thermal Zone> on acpi0
acpi_hpet0: <High Precision Event Timer> iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff irq 0,8 on 
acpi_hpet0: vend: 0x8086 rev: 0x1 num: 1 hz: 14318180 opts: leg_route count_size
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x60,0x64 irq 1 on acpi0
psmcpnp0: <PS/2 mouse port> irq 12 on acpi0
acpi_acad0: acline initialization start
acpi_acad0: On Line
acpi_acad0: acline initialization done, tried 1 times

Shanker Balan

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