PowerTOP for FreeBSD ?

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Thu May 17 06:42:48 UTC 2007

On 2007-May-16 00:00:46 -0700, Nate Lawson <nate at root.org> wrote:
>Normally timers tick every 1 us on FreeBSD.

Unless something has changed massively, tradtiionally, hardclock
interrupts every 1msec and statclick interrupts at 128Hz (approx

>  Most interrupts are
>serviced with no work to be performed, so it's just wasted computation.

Using the lapic timer is an excellent example of this.  By default it
runs at 2000Hz to run hardclock() every 1msec and statclock() every
7.5 msec - just under 50% of the interrupts are completely wasted.

Peter Jeremy
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