PowerTOP for FreeBSD ?

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Wed May 16 17:07:48 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 11:28 +0800, Wilkinson, Alex wrote:
> 0n Tue, May 15, 2007 at 10:12:14AM -0700, Eric Anholt wrote: 
> Heya Eric!
>     >Until we get tickless scheduling, it's not of much use.
> I keep hearing about this "tickless scheduling" but know SFA about it. I assume
> it means no ticks (HZ) therefore tones less interrupts therefore less power
> consumption? Anyone got a link that explains exactly what it is ?

Your processor has various power-saving states available to it when it's
getting nothing done, which we enter through ACPI calls.  The deeper
states turn more and more of the chip off, so there's more work to be
done to bring it back to functionality when it wakes up.  That means
there's added latency.  Additionally, there's a power cost in making the
transition -- in one table I saw, for example, C3 (2 watts instead of 6
or 8 watts or something) was worthwhile only if you managed to stay
there for about 2ms or more.

So, if you're running a 100mhz (or more) tick to run your scheduler and
check your various timers, you're never going to get into C3 (or, you'd
better not be).

The solution is to move to tickless scheduling, where you just have a
list of timeouts, including when you need to preempt the running thread
next, and just set your timer to interrupt you when the next one is due
to land, rather than checking to see if it's time yet every 1/HZ.

>     >However, the power savings on desktop machines from going tickless and
>     >fixing stupid apps is pretty amazing -- the keithp quote about
>     >increasing battery life by over 50% was after only about two days of
>     >fixing stupid apps, and we're looking at trying to do even better for
>     >certain situations (let the cpu sleep for several frames at a time while
>     >playing movies, for example).  Most of the app fixes that intel people
>     >playing with this tool have have developed (which has included at least
>     >ff, evolution, xchat, gaim, network mangler, xf86-video-intel, and
>     >gnome-terminal) have been pushed upstream already, so we should all be
>     >seeing the wins soon if we can go tickless.  Until then, we'll just get
>     >the benefit of not blowing out caches and saving some context switches
>     >from apps waking up in order to do nothing.
> What is meant by "stupid apps" ?

Things like above, where apps are running a 10hz timer to check timeouts
of various tasks, just like our kernel is doing, but with a little
thought they can determine just how long they need to sleep for.

Eric Anholt                             anholt at FreeBSD.org
eric at anholt.net                         eric.anholt at intel.com

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