if i was porting a linux kernel module that wrote out to /proc, where should i point it at in freebsd?

John Utz John at utzweb.net
Wed Oct 11 14:50:55 UTC 2006

i've been working on i8k utils off and on for several months.

(lately it's been what i've been doing whilst i sit at my daughter's  
gymnastics class)

so several of the api's work, ie turning the fans on and off, etc.

buttons *still* dont work. :-(

at this point, i want to start working on hXRing the kernel module.

as currently coded, it writes to /proc.

i would prefer to not have to require the proc lkm for this to work,  
i'd rather do it the bsd way.

so, umm, what *is* the bsd way ? :-)



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