We are struggling for the future of our planet, please help us.

Anna Melide floran at minorisa.es
Sun Jul 23 10:46:47 UTC 2006

      We are struggling for the future of our planet, please help us.
                 Only together we can stand for our nature!

   [1]Send a message to the "Environmental Protection Agency and Food and
   Drug Administration" to improve mercury testing so we can keep tuna
   safe for our families and for dolphins.

   Some of the tuna producers -- particularly in Ecuador and Mexico --
   use practices that can hurt or kill dolphins and catch tuna with
   increased mercury levels.

   Since the late 1950s, approximately seven million dolphins have died
   from this practice. 

   [2]Sign for it - help yourself and thousands of other lives.

   One another way you can help us is to send this letter or the link to
   our website: http://www.against-cruelty.com/register.htm- to all
   people you know.
   2006 [3]Help Dolphins


   1. http://www.animal-petitions.com/
   2. http://protectinnocent.org/register.htm
   3. {http://www.against-cruelty.com/

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