New errors when booting current

Nate Lawson nate at
Thu Jul 20 20:43:21 UTC 2006

Kevin Oberman wrote:
> I am seeing large numbers of "bad write" and "bad read" errors from acpi
> since my last update of the OS. I'm getting these from both desktops with
> minimal ACPI capability and my laptop.
> I don't see any problems, so I suspect they are cosmetic, but I am
> curious as to what changed to trigger them and whether they might be
> eliminated.
> Let me know if you want to see my ASL, but it seems to be happening on
> all of my current systems.
> Here is an excerpt from my dmesg on the desktop:
> acpi: bad write to port 0x070 (8), val 0x26
> acpi: bad read from port 0x071 (8)
> acpi: bad write to port 0x070 (8), val 0x26
> acpi: bad read from port 0x071 (8)
> acpi: bad write to port 0x070 (8), val 0x26

Your ASL is writing to the RTC hardware directly.  This is not allowed 
by Windows XP and newer systems for obvious reasons.  We added the check 
recently but do not block the accesses yet.  I don't think we use the 
RTC much so we're just lucky there's no collision.  I'll try to add a 
patch soon that only prints the first 5 errors or so but can do more if 
we want to use it for debugging.


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